In September, to celebrate 50 years of the Department of Conservation's Conservation Week, WReNNZ held our first Wildlife Facebook Photo Competition.
The competition was designed to encourage people to photograph New Zealand wildlife in the wild, to reconnect with nature and inspire people to get more involved in wildlife protection and preservation.
WReNNZ is delighted to announce that the winning photograph shown below, was taken by Lexie Brothers, a 15 year old girl born and raised in Rotorua.

Shortly the image will be featured on the home page of WReNNZ website and the 12 top photos will featured in WReNNZ 2020 Wildlife Calendar. The details of the calendar will be shared in the next few weeks.
Lexie attends Rotorua Girls’ High school and is passionate about Art, Design and Photography. She also love animals and the environment. Photography is important to her as a skill she uses to capture things she loves, whether it be nature, special events, or her dog sunbathing on the front step.
Lexie said "My mum showed me this competition and I thought it would be an amazing opportunity to showcase some of my wildlife shots (mostly taken in the garden). I was grateful for all the support I received from my school and family, as well as others who took the time to leave positive and encouraging messages. I plan to continue down the path of photography and this has been a great source of encouragement for me. I also encourage others to put themselves out there because who knows? Your photography might wind up in a calendar!"
Congratulations to Lexie for winning the photo competition, we look forward to seeing more of your photos in the future. Congratulations also to the 12 winners, we look forward to sharing all of their images with WReNNZ community soon.