WReNNZ Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation Centres
Below is a list of WReNNZ registered wildlife rehabilitation centres through out New Zealand. All WReNNZ registered members operate facilities autonomously and are reliant on support from the public and business sector.
If you have found a native animal that may need rescue please read our general rescue advice and our chick rescue advice if you have found a baby bird.
For additional information and assistance please contact your nearest wildlife vet or WReNNZ rehabilitator below .
Department of Conservation
Emergency number for native and endemic birds ONLY
Phone: 0800 36 24 68 (0800 DOCHOTLine)
MPI - Ministry of Primary Industries
Emergency number for biosecurity or disease
Phone: 0800 80 99 66 (Pest and Disease Hotline)
Auckland Area
BirdCare Aotearoa
74 Avonleigh Road
Green Bay, Waitakere, Auckland
Phone: (09) 816 9219
Website: www.birdcareaotearoa.org.nz
Hunua Bird Life - Hunua, South Auckland
2826a Hunua Road
RD3 Papakura - Only Land Birds
Mobile: : 021 089 10021
Call the DOC emergency hotline
DOC HOT (0800 362 468)
Wildlife Hospital Dunedin (Native and Endemic Only)
Otago Polytechnic, School of Veterinary Nursing
Phone: Local DOC office (03) 477 0677 (Otago)
or (03) 211 2400 (Southland)
Email: info@wildlifehospitaldunedin.org.nz
Website: www.wildifehospitaldunedin.org.nz
Gt Barrier Island
Bird Rescue Gt Barrier Island (Native and endemic birds only)
Karen Walker
Phone: (09) 429 0478
Mobile: 027 205 3197
Hawkes Bay Area
Pam Turner (All birds except - Mynahs, Magpies & Spur-winged Plovers)
Phone: (06) 876 8995
Mobile: 027 204 7674
Email: hihorizons24@gmail.com
John Berry (All birds except hawks)
Phone: (06) 877 6205
Email: jrberry@ihug.co.nz
Invercargill Area
Bush Haven
(Tui, Kereru, Bellbird, Morepork, Waxeyes)
Kathy Morrison
33 Oreti Road, Otatara R D 9
Email: grannyisland@yahoo.co.nz
Kaikōura Wildlife Centre Trust (Seabirds Only)
Project WellBird - Kaikōura Wildlife Hospital
Mobile: 021 585 586 (Penguins, Gulls, Shearwaters etc)
Phone: For unwell native birds call the DOC Hotline on 0800 362 468, or facilitate direct handover to the nearest vet clinic (business hours only).
Website: https://www.kaikourawildlifecentre.org/
Nelson, SI
NZ Wildlife Rehabilitation Trust (Native & Endemic Species Only)
Contact via Facebook Messenger
Email: nz.wildlife.rehab@gmail.com
Website: https://wildlife-rehab.co.nz/
Palmerston, Waitaki (South Island)
Penguin Rescue
Moeraki Lighthouse
Rosalie Goldsworthy
Phone/Fax: (03) 439 4033
Mobile: 021 171 0832
Email: rosaliegoldsworthy@gmail.com
Palmerston North
Wildbase (Native and Endemic Only)
Massey University, Private Bag 11222, Palmerston North
Phone: (06) 350 5329 (Mon-Fri)
ARRC Wildlife Trust / Holistic Vet Clinic
56 Fraser Street
Phone: (07) 579 9115
Email: info@arrc.org.nz
Western Bay Wildlife Trust
Seabird Rescue (Western Bay of Plenty)
0800 Sick Penguin
Website: www.westernbaywildlife.nz
Waiheke Island
Native Bird Rescue Waiheke Island
Karen Saunders
Mobile: 020 473 9464
Email: nbrwaiheke@gmail.com
Waikato / King Country
Raglan Native Rehabilitation (Natives and endemic species only)
Kylie Martin
Phone: 021 107 3759
Email: nativerehab.raglan@gmail.com
Ngahuia Wild Bird Rescues
Danielle Hill
Mobile: 021 171 2031
Email: Ngahuiawildbird@gmail.com
All birds except ducks and feral pigeons.
Facebook: Ngahuia Wild Bird Rescue
Wellington Bird Rehabilitation Trust
Wellington Region Only
Craig Shepherd
Phone: 0508 NZ BIRD (0508 69 2473) 8am to 7pm only please
Email: info@wbrt.org.nz